Low Cost Counselling
Anxiety Workshop
The Anxiety Workshop is a 4-week course designed for anyone who has experienced anxiety, anxiety-based feelings including worries and fears and for anyone who has anxious based emotions including low mood, low self-esteem, frustrations and anger and grief.
Anxiety can play a part in how we feel we can manage, and this workshop is here to support you on an emotional level while offering psycho educational aspects, so you have long term support and understanding for your future. It is run by a BACP counsellor with a passion for supporting people through anxiety, with a focus on why someone might be anxious and how to manage it.
Date: 26th Jan- 16th February 2021
Location: Remote via Zoom
Time: 9.30am
Length of each session: Each session is 1hr 30
Cost: Introductory offer of £75.00
Limited places available, to book your place today or find out further information regarding the course please email enquiries@westmeriacounselling.co.uk
Prefer a Saturday?
Westmeria Counselling Services will also be offering an Anxiety workshop held on a Saturday, for more information on dates and times please drop an email to enquiries@westmeriacounselling.co.uk with Anxiety Workshop Information in the subject line.
Established in 2003, Westmeria Counselling is a valued service offering emotional support to the local community. We provide a safe, confidential space to individuals experiencing difficulties in resolving life's issues. Available to Bromley Borough residents, our low cost service offers mental health support to the local community.
Anyone 18 years and older in the Borough of Bromley who is finding life really difficult and looking for help to gain an understanding as to why. However strong we are there will be times when things are hard to cope with and we may need help to sort out a particular problem.
These problems may include:
- Anxiety
- Depression and low mood
- Stress
- Confusion
- Low confidence/self-esteem
- Loss and bereavement
- Abuse
- Phobias
- Impact from cancer and health related issues
This is not an exhaustive list because sometimes the root of the problem is that we can’t find a reason for feeling down or anxious.
Through a collaborative partnership it is our aim to help people strive towards autonomy and to live and manage their lives.
Yes. As a charity we ask all clients to make a contribution towards the cost of their counselling which enables the service to continue. This amount is set by you as we do not want to exclude anyone in need from accessing our service. This is important for people’s sense of self-worth and can also be a valuable part of your own commitment to counselling.
It is our experience that people who have benefitted from counselling like to go on to help others and a donation provides an opportunity to do just that and enables you to help other people in need.
Simply call or email us and we will take some contact details. As of 1st January 2023, the initial assessment fee changes to £15. Following the assessment, you will be offered up to 24 sessions with one of our counsellors. All our counsellors are members of the counselling governing body, BACP, and are fully insured.
T. 020 8467 9693
E. enquiries@westmeriacounselling.co.uk
W. www.westmeriacounselling.co.uk