First Port of Call

When I was first asked to write about my job, I thought how exciting it was being able to let people know what my job entailed. 

As an admin manager no day is ever the same, from busy telephones ringing to running a college. The office buzzes with counsellors asking questions and talking amongst themselves. 

While in the background emails are answered and admin tasks completed. 

But for some making the first call for help is the hardest, and sometimes it is quite difficult to find the right level of balance of professionalism with an element of empathy and to the client knowing that it has taken every bit of confidence to pick the phone up and contact us that we are here to help. 

Clients that contact the service come with many different problems and many different moods so listening and being calm helps the client to be able to ask the questions they need to ask to make sure that this is the right service for them. 

When the pandemic struck everything changed, we were no longer seeing clients face to face, all our appointments had moved online, and procedures put in place. 

Although this was going to be the new normal for a while, we still made sure we could offer counselling to our clients. 

For some clients this worked well but for others who wanted face to face counselling they were really struggling. 

During the pandemic as admin, I learnt to adjust to different ways of working and although working from home was challenging, we were there for the clients that needed our help. 

As admin manager I take my job seriously and being first port of call, there is always a friendly and supported voice at the end of the telephone. 

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